Please review our annoucement regarding the Coronavirus here: COVID-19 Annoucement
Record KeepingWe maintain all corporate records as defined by Section 55 of the Condominium Act, 1998 including the register of owners, mortgagees (when provided) and tenants, the Minute Book, banking documents, building plans, maintenance manuals, contracts, suite files and financial records. All records belong to the Corporation and are available for viewing at pre-aranged, reasonable times.
Rule and Bylaw EnforcementWe always attempt to obtain rule and bylaw compliance by owners and tenants alike. We employ a standardized procedure in accordance with our ACMO 2000 policy on compliance. All necessary documentation is kept on file in the event it is necessary to take further steps including mediation, arbitration or court action. We always try to resolve disputes between neighbours, Boards and other parties but we realize it is not always possible.
Status CertificatesWe are utilizing the current format of Status Certificate, as prescribed by the Condominium Act, 1998. Each certificate is drafted with careful attention to providing accurate information about the units' current financial status, legal description, percentage contribution, name and municipal address. In addition, we include the monthly common element fee payable, any common expenses outstanding, reserve fund balance, reserve fund summary funding plan, all relevant contracts and special payments required, if any. All documents, including the latest budget, insurance memorandum, the declaration and by-laws and most recent audited statement are forwarded along with a covering letter to the persons requesting the status certificate.
The current fee for the status certificate, as mandated by the Ontario Provincial Government is $100 including HST and is paid directly to Percel Inc.
Job Descriptions, Work Schedules & Employment ContractsAfter reviewing the work load of the present corporation maintenance staff (including superintendent(s), we set out job descriptions and work schedules to properly fit the individual(s) in your employ. We endeavour to prioritize a work schedule to ensure that our standards are met or exceeded.
We are prepared to provide the corporation with a comprehensive employment contract for superintendents and cleaning staff who may be directly employed by the corporation. In addition to providing contracts for the staff, we are prepared to provide a leasing agreement for the superintendent’s suite(s), in order to protect the corporation should a terminated superintendent not wish to leave the premises within the prescribed period.
Although we hire, supervise and discharge the staff, (when necessary ) all employees (except the property management staff) remain in the employ of the corporation. Our ACMO 2000 policy manual defines strict compliance with the Ontario Human Rights Code, working conditions, Health and Safety issues, retirement policies and Board involvement in salaries, hiring and budgeting.
PayrollAll employees are paid twice monthly. We attend to the remittance of all monies for income tax deductions, CPP, EI, EHT, (if applicable), Workers' Compensation and other benefits and ensure that all remittances are made on time to avoid penalties.
Group InsuranceWe have a Group Insurance Plan (with Manulife) for the benefit of each employee, including medical and dental benefits. Corporations are welcome to add their staff to our monthly plan at the corporation expense