Please review our annoucement regarding the Coronavirus here: COVID-19 Annoucement
Balance Sheet This report includes items such as all assets including receivables and all liabilities & equities including payables, accruals, reserve funds and retained earnings. In essence, it represents the financial position of the corporation as it stands, at the end of each month. Operating Income & Expense Statement All accounts of the corporation are categorized into specific areas which match the operational requirements of the corporation. This provides our clients with an easy to understand format comparing monthly and year-to-date expenditures against the approved operating budget. Statement of Reserve Fund Operations This report shows the detail of monthly and year-to-date Reserve Fund expenditures along with the monthly and year-to-date contributions from the monthly maintenance fees, special assessments and contingency contributions, etc. A/R & A/P Aging Analysis These reports include a complete listing of all outstanding invoices (by contractor) and maintenance fees (by unit & owner). Detailed Bank Reconciliation We present the board of directors with a complete bank reconciliation of the operating and reserve fund bank accounts. These include chq. Number, vendors name and the date of the cheque. We also provide photocopies of the actual bank statements.